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Service Rates

This option allows you to charge your users for the services you make available to them.


You can charge for printouts after enabling printer monitoring in the printer settings of the printing section in the Configuration Wizard.

1. Applications
This option allows you to put up an additional hourly charge for approved applications on top of the regular price per hour for surfing the Web. The rates are NOT additive. Rather, SiteKiosk will always apply the highest of the rates you set.

Suppose a user is viewing a website (zone) that costs 7 currency units per hour. If she now launches an application for which you charge 6 currency units, she will still be charged 7 units per hour.

As an alternative, you can define a multiplier based on the hourly rate.

Only those applications will be subject to a charge that the user launches directly from within SiteKiosk. However, there are some applications that are launched indirectly with the help of so-called "loaders." Make sure you include the associated main application under indirectly launched programs.

Use this option to set up a price for individual downloads. The user will then have to pay for each downloaded file, and the charge will be deducted from her remaining credit amount.

3. PrinterOn print service
Requires: a PrinterOn PrintSpot which can be obtained and configured on the PrinterOn website.

Please install the PrinterOn Print Delivery Station software according to the PrinterOn documentation on a computer that can be reached by the SiteKiosk browser. Specify the URI of that computer including the required port (default: 631). In addition, specify the desired price per page and whether or not you wish to charge users for the cover sheet which you can configure in your PrinterOn account. You can specify different prices for black&white and color printers, if you do so, make sure to assign the proper printer type under PrinterOn. In case you allow the printing of emails in your PrinterOn configuration, make sure that you also activate the option that will cause PrinterOn to generate unique print job numbers for email attachments.

Users will upload the documents they want to print to a web server using a special website that is provided by PrinterOn. They will then receive a code which they can use to kick off the print job. We have created a local HTML page which users can use to enter this code in SiteKiosk. This page is stored in the folder ..\SiteKiosk\html\printeron\printeron.html. Users can, for instance, set up this page as the SiteKiosk Start Page, include a button link on the Start Screen or assign the page to a customizable button that can be included on some of the skins under Custom. We recommend that you set up the local printeron.html page as part of a free zone to ensure that your customers will only pay for printing instead of being charged already for simply opening the page containing the code prompt.

You can charge for printouts after enabling printer monitoring in the printer settings of the printing section in the Configuration Wizard.

4. Tips and recommendations
  1. Experts can also use the SiteKiosk Object Model and charge customers for all kinds of different services by means of a so-called pull mode script.
  2. If charged for downloads, customers will have to pay their fee before the download process starts. If the download fails or is terminated (e.g. because the permitted file size was exceeded), the amount will NOT be credited back.

See also

Zone Rates
Advanced Settings
Pullmode - Debiting One-Time Charges
Supported Payment Devices

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