Support Request: OUT OF SPACE



When i log in into siteremote portal:

1.02 GB from 1,000.00 MB (104 %)
Warning: Storage limit exceeded
The data storage limit is reached and your team is currently unable to store new data.
Please delete files or directories to free extra space.

I double checked in filemanager all directories - it schoud be max 500MB, I dont know what to do...

Answer: (5)

Re: OUT OF SPACE 7/29/2015 11:22 AM
The data your team uses is not only what is in the filemanager it is also the log files from your machines, performance data and configuration files, files used in jobs etc. Depending on your client activity the log files may consume considerable space as well. So cleanup logfiles or buy additional storage from our webshop.
Re: OUT OF SPACE 7/29/2015 11:24 AM
thank you how i can clean a log files? I need to do it on each machines?
Re: OUT OF SPACE 7/29/2015 11:29 AM
In your team under Administration -> Settings -> Log Message Settings -> Immediately delete log files from the selected month and older. There you can also setup an automatic cleanup task.
Re: OUT OF SPACE 7/29/2015 1:00 PM
I deleted 3 month logs and gain only 7MB
I checked team folder = 189MB

Where is 800MB?
Re: OUT OF SPACE 7/29/2015 2:37 PM

you have deleted the logs older than 3 months but most of your machines have a high increase in log data for July and June, these are still consuming this much disk space. So either you delete newer logs as well - and you should also check the logs, why the became so big - or you buy additional disk space.
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